desimodel Release Notes¶
0.19.3 (unreleased)¶
No changes yet.
0.19.2 (2024-09-17)¶
0.19.1 (2024-05-01)¶
0.19.0 (2023-09-25)¶
NOTE: non-backwards compatible change to loadtiles()
Change default file for
(PR #168):Now reads from
Also adds option to limit tiles to specified
names.Will now automatically load both .fits and .ecsv files.
Maintains option to read from old
location.Tests cover both
cases.Addresses issue #167.
Optionally fetch the valid date range from load_focalplane (PR #170).
Update KPNO sync scripts to use the default software stack (PR #165).
0.18.0 (2023-01-05)¶
Add missing Python modules to
(PR #163).Update the extra data download when installing with desiInstall (PR #159).
to allowTILERA
(PR #156).fastfiberacceptance use
to force native endianness for scipy>=1.10.0 compatibility (PR #164).
0.17.0 (2021-09-19)¶
Changes for syncing focalplane model with ICS database focalplane calibrations:
0.16.0 (2021-06-25)¶
0.15.0 (2021-04-19)¶
Code in GitHub:
Use UTC time everywhere in the focalplane model (PR #147). This is backwards compatible with old files, but new FP models will not be readable by previous code tags.
Data in svn:
DB sync 2021-04-03T23:53:23 appended to
.DB sync 2021-04-10T20:00:39 appended to
.DB sync 2021-04-13T20:00:30 appended to
0.14.2 (2020-03-31)¶
Data changes to svn, no code changes:
Added LYA TSNR2 templates.
Focalplane model updated 2021-03-17.
0.14.1 (2021-03-18)¶
Add fastfiberacceptance code originally in specsim (PR #145).
0.14.0 (2021-02-10)¶
Code (in GitHub):
Data (in svn):
added Template Signal-to-Noise (TSNR) ensembles
added pre-calculated Noise Equivalent Area (NEA) from PSF model
Corrected restricted reach focalplane model (@135002)
Focal plan model with full reach for petal locs 0,2,4,5 (@135236)
0.13.1 (2020-08-03)¶
New tag of data+code since data had been erroneously pre-tagged 0.13.0
0.13.0 (2020-08-03)¶
0.12.0 (2020-03-13)¶
0.11.0 (2020-03-13)¶
with new dither pattern; see DESI-0717. Layers 0=GRAY, 1-4=DARK instead of 0-3=DARK, 4=GRAY. (PR #135).Update documentation for
consistently throughout the module (PR #133).Update README file and Travis tests (PR #132).
Include S (curved focal surface arc length) vs. R (CS5 xy radius) table from DESI-0530 (PR #130 and #135).
0.10.3 (2019-12-20)¶
0.10.2 (2019-10-31)¶
Improve focalplane creation code (PR #127).
0.10.1 (2019-10-17)¶
0.10.0 (2019-09-25)¶
Store petal and gfa keepouts in the focalplane model (PR #112).
When generating a focalplane, check for device locations assigned to the same slitblock and fiber (PR #113).
Fix support for
in Python 3.5 (PR #114).Update tests and documentation to be consistent with latest desiutil versions (PR #115).
0.9.12 (2019-08-09)¶
Support for time-varying focal plane state (e.g. broken fibers) (PR #105).
Documentation about CI weather versus model (PR #107).
for scipy 1.3 (PR #109).Replace deprecated
(PR #110).
0.9.11 (2019-05-30)¶
Added data/footprint/ci-tiles-v7.fits, data/focalplane/ci-corners.ecsv to svn and docs to GitHub (PR #103).
0.9.10 (2019-02-28)¶
0.9.9 (2018-09-27)¶
Change default healpy pixel overlap factor from 4 to 128 (PR #93).
0.9.8 (2018-09-05)¶
0.9.7 (2018-07-30)¶
Create DESI-3977 in doc/tex/desi3977/ to track ELG SNR with changes to the DESI model.
Add accompanying notebook doc/nb/ELG_SNR.ipynb.
0.9.6 (2018-07-18)¶
Update data and associated code to reflect changes in DESI-347-v13 (PR #89):
: new corrector
: new achromatic
: new read noise and dark
: replaceRADIUS_MM
: replace random offset files (RMS=10.886um) with static offset files (RMS=8.0um).
Use a new svn branch test-0.9.6 for travis tests (was test-0.9.3).
0.9.5 (2018-06-27)¶
Increase test coverage, especially for
(PR #82).Reorganize
and add more GFA selection code (PR #85).Allow an environment variable in the tilesfile filename (PR #87).
0.9.4 (2018-03-29)¶
Download script will create
if it doesn’t exist (PR #80).
0.9.3 (2018-03-14)¶
Fix some installation bugs, and update to latest versions on various dependencies (PR #77).
Ensure that desimodel tests are compatible with Astropy 2 and 3, and with other DESI packages (PR #78).
to the trimmed test data set (PR #79).
0.9.2 (2018-02-27)¶
Update LyA S/N calculation (PR #73).
Optionally use an input pixel weight map in
(PR #74).
0.9.1 (2017-11-10)¶
Extracts wavelength coverage from specpsf files into params dictionary (PR #68).
to convert between tiling integer pass number and string program name (PR #67).
0.9.0 (2017-09-19)¶
Added desimodel.focalplane.radec2xy, which converts RA, Dec coordinates to x, y coordinates on the focal plane, which accepts vector inputs.
Added desimodel.focalplane.on_gfa() and its respective helper functions to check if a target is on a GFA of arbitrary telescope pointing
Added desimodel.focalplane.on_tile_gfa() to check return a list of indices of targets on a specific tile
Added desimodel.focalplane.get_gfa_targets() to return a table with added columns GFA_LOC and TILEID that consists of all targets on any GFA on any tile satisfying a minimum flux in the r-band.
Unittests for the desimodel.focalplane functions were updated accordingly.
Added desimodel.footprint.find_points_in_tel_range() to return a list of indices withnin a radius of an arbitray telescope pointing, unaware of tiles (Added respective unittest)
Adds desimodel.focalplane.fiber_area_arcsec2()
Updates tests to work with trimmed data subset
0.8.0 (2017-08-07)¶
Add new weather module to specify assumed atmospheric seeing and transparency distributions at KPNO, with accompanying DESI-doc and jupyter notebook.
Remove seeing module, which is superseded by new weather module.
Added desimodel.footprint.pixweight() in
to create an array of what fraction of every HEALPixel at a given nside overlaps the DESI footprintAlso added desimodel.footprint.tiles2fracpix() to estimate which HEALPixels overlap the footprint edges
Added in
to load the array created by desimodel.footprint.pixweight() and resample it to any HEALPix nsideModified path to Lya SNR spectra files used in, used in Lya Fisher forecast.
Added desimodel.inputs.build_gfa_table and its helper functions to write a .ecsv file for GFA data
Added to return the GFA data table
Added desimodel.focalplane.xy2radec, which converts x,y coordinates on the focal plane to RA, Dec coordinates
don’t print warnings in if specter isn’t installed
0.7.0 (2017-06-15)¶
Added desimodel.footprint.tiles2pix and .pix2tiles for mapping healpix to DESI tiles.
fixed psf-quicksim.fits units to be astropy-friendly
0.6.0 (2017-03-27)¶
Add desimodel.seeing module with functions that model the expected DESI zenith seeing at 6355A, with an accompanying jupyter notebook.
Altered xy offset RMS calculation in to scale the distribution RMS rather than the sample standard deviation.
Update focal plane to positioner mapping
z-channel 250 um CCD instead of 500 um CCD
Update DocDB -> desimodel update method for fiberpos and throughput
0.5.1 (2016-12-01)¶
By default, now excludes PROGRAM=EXTRA layers
Adds desi-tiles.* tests
0.5.0 (2016-11-21)¶
Moved test of focalplane code into the actual test suite.
Preparing for Python 3.
Changed default svn version to trunk and added error handling to install_desimodel_data.
Update template module file to reflect DESI+Anaconda infrastructure.
Add code to generate random centroid offsets in
.Add jupyter notebook documenting new throughput files of PR#29.
Use Astropy-recommended method of reading FITS data tables.
Remove reference to Travis scripts in
0.4.5 (2016-07-15)¶
Fixed a minor bug that made the help message for install_desimodel_data garbled.
Add additional files to lightweight test data to work with quickgen
0.4.4 (2016-03-15)¶
Allow desiInstall to download and install the data from svn.
No changes to data in svn.
0.4.3 (2016-03-10)¶
“First” post-separation tag.
for trimming a data directory into a lightweight version for testing.svn data includes targets.dat: preliminary numbers for MWS and BGS densities (Still waiting upon supporting technote).
0.4.2 (2016-02-04)¶
Improved svn download instructions in the README file.
Changes to data on svn side
updated desi.yaml with dark vs. bright exptime
updated targets.dat to include MWS placeholders
adds ‘exptime’ -> ‘exptime_dark’ key for temporary backwards compatibilityRemoved deprecated fibers module
Use ci-helpers to handle most of the dirty work of Travis build scripts.
Make specter import errors more verbose.
0.4.1 (2016-01-25)¶
Last tag prior to separating desimodel into code (GitHub) and data (svn) repositories.
pip install support (BAW).
Replace fitsio dependency with
0.4 (2015-12-14)¶
Added tile file for the bright time survey.
0.3.8 (2015-10-30)¶
Adds python io library (SJB).
0.3.7 (2015-04-16)¶
Tag to support dogwood production (SJB).
0.3.6 (2015-01-30)¶
from Jaime (SJB).
0.3.5 (2014-12-28)¶
- data/targets/targets.dat
added fractions for sky and stdstar fibers (SJB).
- py/desimodel/
bug fixes for transformations (SJB).
0.3.4 (2014-09-23)¶
Fix a simple import error (BAW).
0.3.3 (2014-09-23)¶
Fix a simple version error (BAW).
0.3.2 (2014-09-23)¶
Change how version is set (BAW).
Updated target numbers.
0.3.1 (2014-07-23)¶
Also updated quicksim sn-spec* file output, using IDL version which is slightly more optimistic than the python version (diff is dark current?) (SJB).
0.3 (2014-07-23)¶
Updated throughput files for real.
Added initial “” script to make it easier to visualize differences in versions. This script should grow as various parameters change; right now it only makes a thoughput difference plot (SJB).
Updated throughput files from 0334v3 (spectro) and 0347v5 (system throughput) Correction: thoughput files didn’t make it into that change (SJB, 2014-07-08).
Updated psf-b.fits and psf-quicksim.fits to match new npix_y for blue STA/ITL CCDs (SJB, 2014-07-08).
0.2 (2014-07-08)¶
2014-07-07 SJB¶
Added ELG spectrum with continuum and multiple emission lines
2014-07-07 David Kirkby¶
Python quicksim
add readnoise contributions in quadrature during the downsampling
Refactor for speed, results now named ndarray, updated plots
Allow different base directories
2014-07-02 DJS¶
Put sky back to dimmer UVES sky model
0.1 (2014-07-01)¶
2014-06-29 SJB¶
Extended fiberloss range from 3500-10000 instead of 3600-10000
Added data/throughput/fiberloss-qso.dat (same as fiberloss-star.dat)
2014-06-27 SJB¶
Updated data/focalplane/platescale.txt with latest from DESI-0329v14. This includes a new “theta” column.
Updated desi.yaml from DESI-0347v4. This removes the FWHM and wavemin/max params which are not derived quantities associated with the PSFs.
Updated throughput files with new numbers from DESI-0347v4.
Updated spectrograph throughput files with new numbers from DESI-0334v2.
Updated py/ -> bin/ . Biggest change is ELG half light radius 0.35” -> 0.45” which drops us below 7-sigma.
Updated data/throughput/fiberloss-*.dat files with calculation based upon
- bin/ extracted PSF parameters needed for quicksim.
pro/ updated, but it still treats FWHM as constant rather than wavelength dependent.
python quicksim will be broken until it is updated to use new inputs.
Reorganized data/inputs/throughput/ leftover spot mirroring bug removed, PSFs updated
2014-06-12 SJB¶
Updated throughputs to not double count central obscuration.
Updated PSF files to remove throughputs to avoid possible inconsistency.
Added wavemin_all, wavemax_all to desi.yaml with min/max wavelength seen by all spectra
2014-06-06 SJB¶
Updated CCD pixel dimensions and regenerated PSFs to match.