Source code for desimodel.install

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Install data files not handled by pip install.

[docs]def default_install_dir(): """Return the default install directory. Assumes this file lives in a 'site-packages' directory. Returns ------- :class:`str` The path to the install directory. """ from os.path import dirname return dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))))
[docs]def assert_svn_exists(): """Assert svn command exists and raise an informative error if not""" from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError try: r = check_output(['svn', '--version']) except OSError as e: raise AssertionError("svn command is not executable. Install svn to use the install script. Original Error is: '{0}'.".format(e.strerror)) except CalledProcessError as e: raise AssertionError("The svn command ({0}) on this system does not work. Output is: '{1}'.".format(e.cmd, e.output))
[docs]def svn_export(desimodel_version=None): """Create a :command:`svn export` command suitable for downloading a particular desimodel version. Parameters ---------- desimodel_version : :class:`str`, optional The version X.Y.Z to download, trunk, or something of the form branches/... Defaults to trunk. Returns ------- :class:`list` A :command:`svn` command in list form, suitable for passing to :class:`subprocess.Popen`. """ from . import __version__ as this_version if desimodel_version is None: export_version = 'trunk' elif (desimodel_version == 'trunk') or ('branches/' in desimodel_version): export_version = desimodel_version else: export_version = 'tags/' + desimodel_version return ["svn", "export", ("" + "{0}/data").format(export_version)]
[docs]def install(desimodel=None, version=None): """Primary workhorse function. Parameters ---------- desimodel : :class:`str`, optional Allows the install directory to be explicitly set. version : :class:`str`, optional Allows the desimodel version to be explicitly set. Raises ------ :class:`RuntimeError` Standard error output from svn export command when status is non-zero. """ from os import chdir, environ from os.path import exists, join from subprocess import Popen, PIPE try: install_dir = environ['DESIMODEL'] except KeyError: if desimodel is not None: install_dir = desimodel else: install_dir = default_install_dir() if exists(join(install_dir, 'data')): raise ValueError("{0} already exists!".format(join(install_dir, 'data'))) assert_svn_exists() chdir(install_dir) command = svn_export(version) # print(' '.join(command)) proc = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() status = proc.returncode if status != 0: raise RuntimeError(err.rstrip())
[docs]def main(): """Entry point for the :command:`install_desimodel_data` script. Returns ------- :class:`int` An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`. """ from sys import argv from argparse import ArgumentParser desc = """Install desimodel data. This script will attempt to download and install the desimodel data/ directory. The script will attempt to attempt to install the data in the following locations, in order of preference: 1. :envvar:`DESIMODEL`, that is, the directory specified by the environment variable. 2. The value set with the -d option on the command line. 3. A directory relative to the file containing this script. This directory is currently {0}. If the data directory already exists, this script will not do anything. """.format(default_install_dir()) parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc, prog=argv[0]) parser.add_argument('-d', '--desimodel', action='store', dest='desimodel', metavar='DESIMODEL', help=('Place the data/ directory in this directory. ' + 'In other words, the environment variable ' + 'DESIMODEL should be set to this directory.')) parser.add_argument('-D', '--desimodel-version', action='store', dest='desimodel_version', metavar='VERSION', help='Explicitly set the version to download.') options = parser.parse_args() try: install(options.desimodel, options.desimodel_version) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: print(e.message) return 1 return 0