Source code for desimodel.inputs.throughput

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
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Utilities for updating throughput model.
import os
import shutil

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from import fits
import yaml

from . import docdb
from import datadir, findfile

[docs]def update(testdir=None, desi347_version=16, desi5501_version=3, desi5501_KOSI=True): ''' Update thru-[brz].fits from DESI-0347 and DESI-0344 Args: testdir: If not None, write files here instead of standard locations under $DESIMODEL/data/ desi347_version: version of DESI-347 to use desi5501_version: version of DESI-5501 to use desi5501_KOSI [bool]: use KOSI throughput measurements in 5501 ''' from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() master_thru_file = 347, desi347_version, 'DESI-347-v{}_Throughput-Noise-SNR-Calcs.xlsx'.format(desi347_version)) desi_yaml_file = 347, desi347_version, 'desi_v{}.yaml'.format(desi347_version)) ccd_thru_file = [] suffix = 'KOSI' if desi5501_KOSI else '' for spectro in range(10): ccd_thru_file.append( 5501, desi5501_version, 'Spectrograph{0}{1}.xlsx'.format(spectro + 1, suffix))) with open(desi_yaml_file) as fx: params = yaml.safe_load(fx) if testdir is None: outfile_desiyaml = os.path.join(datadir(), 'desi.yaml') thrudir = os.path.join(datadir(), 'throughput') elif os.path.isdir(testdir): outfile_desiyaml = os.path.join(testdir, 'desi.yaml') thrudir = testdir else: raise ValueError("Missing directory {}".format(testdir)) shutil.copy(desi_yaml_file, outfile_desiyaml)'Wrote {}'.format(outfile_desiyaml)) #- Telescope geometric area m^2 -> cm^2 params['area']['geometric_area'] *= 100**2 #- Load atmospheric extinction d = fits.getdata(findfile('inputs/throughput/ZenithExtinction-KPNO.fits'), 'EXTINCTION') extinction = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(d['WAVELENGTH'], d['EXTINCTION']) #- Load pre-spectrograph throughputs thru, (xlswave, xlstotthru, xlsspecthru) = load_throughput(master_thru_file) #- Load pre-computed fiberloss for reference objects fiberinput = dict() for objtype in ['elg', 'lrg', 'sky', 'star']: fiberinput[objtype] = load_fiberinput( findfile('throughput/fiberloss-{}.dat'.format(objtype)) ) #- Read spectrograph throughputs and calculate mean over spectrographs. specwave, specthru_data = load_spec_throughputs(ccd_thru_file) specthru_mean = np.mean(specthru_data, axis=0) #- Min/Max wavelength coverage wmin = dict() wmax = dict() for j, channel in enumerate('brz'): # Build an interpolation the DESI-5501 mean spectrograph throughput in Angstrom units. specthru = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(10 * specwave, specthru_mean[j], k=3) wmin[channel], wmax[channel] = get_waveminmax(findfile('specpsf/psf-{}.fits'.format(channel))) dw = 0.1 ww = np.arange(wmin[channel], wmax[channel]+dw/2, dw) tt = (thru(ww) * specthru(ww)).clip(0.0, None) data = np.rec.fromarrays([ww, tt, extinction(ww), fiberinput['elg'](ww)], names='wavelength,throughput,extinction,fiberinput') hdr = fits.Header() hdr['EXPTIME'] = (params['exptime_dark'], 'default exposure time [sec]') hdr['GEOMAREA'] = (params['area']['geometric_area'], 'geometric area of mirror - obscurations') hdr['FIBERDIA'] = (params['fibers']['diameter_arcsec'], 'average fiber diameter [arcsec]') hdr['WAVEMIN'] = (wmin[channel], 'Minimum wavelength [Angstroms]') hdr['WAVEMAX'] = (wmax[channel], 'Maximum wavelength [Angstroms]') fiberinput_data = np.rec.fromarrays([ww, fiberinput['elg'](ww), fiberinput['lrg'](ww), fiberinput['star'](ww), fiberinput['sky'](ww)], names='wavelength,elg,lrg,star,sky') outfile = thrudir + '/thru-{0}.fits'.format(channel) hdus = fits.HDUList() hdus.append(fits.PrimaryHDU()) hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(data, hdr, name='THROUGHPUT')) hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(fiberinput_data, name='FIBERINPUT')) hdus.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)'Wrote {}'.format(outfile))
[docs]def load_throughput(filename, specthru_row=95, thru_row=97): """ Load throughputs from DESI-0347, removing the spectrograph contributions which will be loaded separately from higher resolution data. Args: filename: DESI-0347 Excel file location Returns (thruspine, xlsdata), where thruspline: InterpolatedUnivariateSpline of thru vs. wave[Angstroms] xlsdata: tuple of (wave, totalthru, specthru) Notes: * Alas, DESI-0347 doesn't fill in the final throughput for 3500 and 9950 Angstroms, even though the inputs are there. """ wave = docdb.xls_read_row(filename, 'Throughput', 3, 'C', 'P')*10 rowlabel = docdb.xls_read_row(filename, 'Throughput', specthru_row, 'A', 'A')[0] assert rowlabel.startswith('Throughput: Spectrograph'), 'Has the spectrograph throughput row moved?' specthru = docdb.xls_read_row(filename, 'Throughput', specthru_row, 'C', 'P') rowlabel = docdb.xls_read_row(filename, 'Throughput', thru_row, 'A', 'A')[0] assert rowlabel.startswith('sky throughput:'), 'Has the sky throughput row moved?' thru = docdb.xls_read_row(filename, 'Throughput', thru_row, 'C', 'P') assert len(wave) == 14 assert len(wave) == len(thru) assert len(wave) == len(specthru) assert np.all(np.diff(wave)>0) assert np.min(wave) == 3600 and np.max(wave) == 9800 assert 0 <= np.min(thru) and np.max(thru) <= 1 assert 0 <= np.min(specthru) and np.max(specthru) <= 1 return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, thru/specthru, k=3), (wave, thru, specthru)
[docs]def load_fiberinput(filename): """ Load fiberinput as calculated by Args: filename: fiberloss input file, e.g. $DESIMODEL/data/throughput/fiberloss-elg.dat Returns InterpolatedUnivariateSpline instance. """ tmp = np.loadtxt(filename).T wavelength = tmp[0] #- nm -> Angstroms throughput = tmp[1] return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wavelength, throughput, k=3)
[docs]def load_spec_throughputs(filenames, columns='ABCD', first_row=2, last_row=647): """ Loads spectrograph*CCD throughputs from DESI-5501 excel files. Args: filenames: list of per-spectrograph filenames. Returns arrays of wavelength in nm and throughput per spectrograph. """ wave = None nspectro = len(filenames) for spectro in range(nspectro): fname = filenames[spectro] # Sanity check on column headers. headers = docdb.xls_read_row(fname, 'Summary', first_row - 1, columns[0], columns[-1]) assert np.array_equal(headers, ['Wav', 'Blue', 'Red', 'NIR']), 'Unexpected column headers.' wave_in = docdb.xls_read_col(fname, 'Summary', columns[0], first_row, last_row, dtype=float) if wave is None: wave = wave_in assert np.allclose(np.diff(wave), 1), 'Unexpected wavelength grid.' nwave = len(wave) thru = np.zeros((nspectro, 3, nwave)) else: assert np.array_equal(wave, wave_in), 'Wavelength arrays do not match.' for k, (camera, column) in enumerate(zip('brz', columns[1:])): # Read column values as strings since some cells are empty. values = docdb.xls_read_col(fname, 'Summary', column, first_row, last_row) # Replace empty cells with zeros and convert non-empty cells to floats. values[values == ''] = '0' thru[spectro, k] = values.astype(float) return wave, thru
[docs]def get_waveminmax(psffile): """ return wmin, wmax as taken from the header of a PSF file, e.g. $DESIMODEL/data/specpsf/psf-b.fits """ hdr = fits.getheader(psffile) return hdr['WAVEMIN'], hdr['WAVEMAX']