Source code for desimodel.inputs.docdb

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utility functions for working with DocDB files.
import os

import numpy as np

from import datadir

[docs]def _xls_col2int(col): ''' Convert column string name to index, starting at 0 e.g. A -> 0, B -> 1, ... Z -> 25, AA -> 26, AB -> 27 ''' abc = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') index = 0 for i, x in enumerate(col.upper()[-1::-1]): index += (abc.index(x) + 1) * len(abc)**i return index-1
[docs]def xls_read_row(filename, sheetname, rownum, firstcol, lastcol, dtype=None): ''' Read Excel file row from firstcol to lastcol Args: filename (str): Excel filename sheetname (str): sheet name within the filename rownum (int): 1-indexed row to read firstcol (str): Excel-style column name, e.g. 'A', 'B', or 'AC' lastcol (str): last column to include Options: dtype: convert output to this numpy dtype Returns numpy array of data Example: B5:D5 -> rownum=5, firstcol='B', lastcol='D' -> length 3 array ''' import xlrd icol = _xls_col2int(firstcol) jcol = _xls_col2int(lastcol) with xlrd.open_workbook(filename) as wb: s = wb.sheet_by_name(sheetname) values = s.row_values(rownum-1, icol, jcol+1) return np.array(values, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def xls_read_col(filename, sheetname, column, firstrow, lastrow, dtype=None): ''' Read Excel file column from firstrow to lastrow Args: filename (str): Excel filename sheetname (str): sheet name within the filename column (str): Excel-style column string, e.g. 'A', 'B', or 'AC' firstrow (int): 1-indexed first row to include lastrow (int): 1-indexed last row to include Options: dtype: convert output to this numpy dtype Returns numpy array of data Example: B5:B10 -> column='B', firstrow=5, lastrow=10 -> length 6 array ''' import xlrd icol = _xls_col2int(column) with xlrd.open_workbook(filename) as wb: s = wb.sheet_by_name(sheetname) values = s.col_values(icol, firstrow-1, lastrow) return np.array(values, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def download(docnum, docver, filename, outdir=None, overwrite=False): ''' Downloads and writes outdir/DESI-{docnum}v{docver}-{filename} Args: docnum: integer DocDB number docver: integer version number filename: string filename within that DocDB entry Options: outdir: output directory; default $DESIMODEL/data/inputs/docdb/ overwrite: overwrite pre-existing file Returns: path to output file written Notes: * only supports python3 * creates outdir if needed * prepends DESI-{docnum}v{docver} to {filename} even if filename already starts with that (in DocDB, some do and some don't...) ''' import urllib import requests from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() if outdir is None: outdir = os.path.join(datadir(), 'inputs', 'docdb') if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) outfile = 'DESI-{:04d}v{:d}-{}'.format(docnum, docver, filename) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) if os.path.exists(outfile): if overwrite:'Redownloading and overwriting {}'.format(outfile)) else:'{} already exists; use overwrite=True to force redownload'.format(outfile)) return outfile # e.g.;filename=DESI-347-v11%20Throughput%20Noise%20SNR%20Calcs.xlsx;version=11 urlbase = '' url = '{}?docid={};version={};filename={}'.format( urlbase, docnum, docver, urllib.parse.quote(filename) ) r = requests.get(url, auth=_auth()) #- DocDB doesn't return the correct status codes for failure #- #- but just in case they do fix it in the future... if r.status_code != 200: raise IOError('Unable to download {}'.format(url)) #- Work around what should have been a 404 Not Found failmsg = bytes('{} does not exist.'.format(filename), encoding='ascii') if b'There was a problem.' in r.content and failmsg in r.content: raise IOError('Unable to download {}'.format(url)) with open(outfile, 'wb') as fx: fx.write(r.content)'Wrote {}'.format(outfile)) return outfile
#- lightly modified from; #- consider refactoring into desiutil
[docs]def _auth(machine=''): """Get authentication credentials. """ from netrc import netrc from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth n = netrc() try: u, foo, p = n.authenticators(machine) except TypeError: # authenticators() returns None if the machine is not found. raise ValueError('Unable to get user/pass from $HOME/.netrc for {}'.format(machine)) return HTTPDigestAuth(u,p)