Source code for desimodel.focalplane.sim

# See LICENSE.rst for BSD 3-clause license info
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools for generating simulated random distortion fields.

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

# Default RMS offset for static centroid offsets used below.
# This value is copied from cell B52 of the Throughput sheet
# from DESI-0347-v13, labeled "FVC corrector optics figure error".
# Define this here to avoid a problem with Sphinx compilation.
    default_offset = 8.0 *
except TypeError:  # pragma: no cover
    default_offset = 8.0

[docs]def generate_random_vector_field(rms, exponent, n, seed=None, smoothing=0.02): """Generate a pair dx, dy of 2D Gaussian random field. The random field is generated with a power spectrum P(k) ~ r ** exponent and normalized to the specified RMS value. Smoothing is applied to minimize grid artifacts. Parameters ---------- rms : :class:`float` or astropy quantity Desired RMS of the generated field values. exponent : :class:`float` Exponent of the power spectrum scaling with radius. n : :class:`int` Size of the generated array along each axis. seed : :class:`int` Random number seed to use. Generated fields should be portable across python versions and platforms. smoothing : :class:`float` Length scale for smoothing the generated field expressed as a fraction of the full width of the field. Implemented as a Gaussian convolution. No smoothing is applied when smoothing is zero. Returns ------- tuple Tuple dx, dy of 2D arrays containing the generated Gaussian random field values. Arrays will have the same units as the rms parameter, if any. """ A = np.zeros((n, n), complex) kvec = np.fft.fftfreq(n) kx, ky = np.meshgrid(kvec, kvec, sparse=True, copy=False) ksq = kx ** 2 + ky ** 2 m = ksq > 0 gen = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) phase = 2 * np.pi * gen.uniform(size=(n, n)) A[m] = (ksq[m] ** (exponent / 2) * gen.normal(size=(n, n))[m] * np.exp(1.j * phase[m])) if smoothing > 0: var = (n * smoothing) ** 2 / 2 A[m] *= np.exp(-ksq[m] * var) / (2 * np.pi) offsets = np.fft.ifft2(A) # Rescale to the specified RMS radial offset. rescale = rms / np.sqrt(np.var(offsets.real) + np.var(offsets.imag)) dx = offsets.real * rescale dy = offsets.imag * rescale return dx, dy
[docs]def generate_random_centroid_offsets(rms_offset=default_offset, seed=123): """Generate random centroid offsets. Calls :func:`generate_random_vector_field` to generate offsets with a power spectrum exponent of -1 in the expected format. The arrays in the files ``$DESIMODEL/data/throughput/DESI-0347_static_offset_<n>.fits`` were generated by this method with seeds n=1,2,3. The default RMS offset value is taken from cell B52 of the Throughput sheet from DESI-0347-v13, labeled "FVC corrector optics figure error". Parameters ---------- rms_offset : :class:`astropy.Quantity` instance. RMS that the generated offsets should have, including units. seed : :class:`int` Random number seed to use. Generated offsets should be portable across python versions and platforms. Returns ------- tuple Tuple dx, dy of centroid offset arrays with units. """ return generate_random_vector_field( rms_offset, exponent=-1.0, n=256, seed=seed, smoothing=0.02)