Source code for desimodel.focalplane.gfa

# See LICENSE.rst for BSD 3-clause license info
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Guide-Focus-Alignment location routines

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
import astropy.table

from import load_deviceloc, load_gfa, load_platescale, load_tiles
from ..footprint import find_points_in_tiles, find_points_radec, get_tile_radec
from .geometry import get_radius_deg, radec2xy, qs2xy

class GFALocations(object):
    def __init__(self, gfatable=None, scale=1.0):
        Wrapper class for GFA locations

            gfatable: table with GFA corners in X, Y and either GFA_LOC or PETAL
            scale: scale factor for GFA size


          * GFA coordinates are identified by a positive integer GFA_LOC or PETAL
            and four rows of corners specified in the X,Y tangent plane to the focal surface.
          * Default loads the GFA locations from
            scale>1 enables selecting targets that are just off of the GFA to assist
            with initial acquisition.
        from matplotlib.path import Path

        if gfatable is None:
            gfatable = load_gfa()

        if 'GFA_LOC' in gfatable.dtype.names:
            gfa_locations = gfatable['GFA_LOC']
        elif 'PETAL' in gfatable.dtype.names:
            gfa_locations = gfatable['PETAL']
            raise ValueError('gfatable must have GFA_LOC or PETAL column')

        self.gfatable = gfatable
        self.gfa_polygons = list()
        self.gfa_locations = np.array(sorted(set(gfa_locations)))
        self.max_radius_mm = 0.0
        for loc in self.gfa_locations:
            ii = (gfa_locations == loc)
            xcorners = gfatable['X'][ii]
            ycorners = gfatable['Y'][ii]

            if scale != 1.0:
                x0, y0 = np.mean(xcorners), np.mean(ycorners)
                xcorners = x0 + scale*(xcorners-x0)
                ycorners = y0 + scale*(ycorners-y0)

            r = np.sqrt(xcorners**2 + ycorners**2)
            self.max_radius_mm = max(self.max_radius_mm, np.max(r))

            self.gfa_polygons.append(Path(list(zip(xcorners, ycorners))))

        self.max_radius_deg = float(get_radius_deg(self.max_radius_mm, 0.0))

    def xy_on_gfa(self, gfa_loc, x, y):
        Return boolean array of whether points (x,y) are on GFA at GFA_LOC

            gfa_loc: integer GFA location [0-9] = PETAL_LOC for DESI
            x, y: array of focal tangent plane locations in mm

        Returns boolean array of whether (x,y) is on GFA at location GFA_LOC
        if gfa_loc not in self.gfa_locations:
            raise ValueError('GFA_LOC {} not in {}'.format(gfa_loc, self.gfa_locations))

        scalar_inputs = np.isscalar(x)
        x = np.atleast_1d(x)
        y = np.atleast_1d(y)
        xy = np.vstack([x, y]).T
        i = np.where(self.gfa_locations == gfa_loc)[0][0]
        inside = self.gfa_polygons[i].contains_points(xy)
        if scalar_inputs:
            return inside[0]
            return inside

    def qs_on_gfa(self, gfa_loc, q, s):
        Return boolean array of whether points (q,s) are on GFA at GFA_LOC

            gfa_loc: integer GFA location ID
            q: angular coordinate in degrees
            s: radial coordinate along focal surface in mm

        Returns boolean array of whether (q,s) is on GFA at location GFA_LOC
        x, y = qs2xy(q, s)
        return self.xy_on_gfa(gfa_loc, x, y)

    def targets_on_gfa(self, telra, teldec, targets):
        Returns subset of targets table with new GFA_LOC column

            telra, teldec: Telescope pointing (RA,dec) in degrees
            targets: table with columns RA, DEC

        Returns gfa_targets table: subset of targets with new GFA_LOC column
        #- Trim to targets that might be on this pointing
        ps = load_platescale()
        rmax = ps['theta'][-1]

        columns = targets.dtype.names
        if ('RA' in columns) and ('DEC' in columns):
            ra = targets['RA']
            dec = targets['DEC']
        elif ('TARGET_RA' in columns) and ('TARGET_DEC' in columns):
            ra = targets['TARGET_RA']
            dec = targets['TARGET_DEC']
            raise ValueError('input targets must have columns RA,DEC or TARGET_RA,TARGET_DEC; has columns {}'.format(targets.dtype.names))

        ii = find_points_radec(telra, teldec, ra, dec, radius=rmax)
        targets = targets[ii]
        ra = ra[ii]
        dec = dec[ii]

        #- Identify targets on GFAs
        x, y = radec2xy(telra, teldec, ra, dec)
        gfa_loc = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=int) - 1
        keep = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=bool)
        for loc in self.gfa_locations:
            ii = self.xy_on_gfa(loc, x, y)
            keep |= ii
            gfa_loc[ii] = loc

        results = astropy.table.Table(targets[keep], copy=False)
        results['GFA_LOC'] = gfa_loc[keep].astype(np.int16)

        assert np.all(results['GFA_LOC'] >= 0)
        assert np.all(np.in1d(results['GFA_LOC'], self.gfa_locations))

        return results


[docs]def on_gfa(telra, teldec, ra, dec, scale=1.0): """Checks if a target is on any of the 10 GFAs given `telra`, `teldec` and an array of `ra` and `dec` pointings, as well as a parameter for degrees of tolerance one would like to allow. Parameters ---------- telra : :class:`float` The telescope's arbitrary RA pointing. teldec : :class:`float` The telescope's arbitrary Dec pointing. ra : array-like An array of RA values for locations in the sky. dec : array-like An array of Dec values for locations in the sky. scale : :class:`float`, optional Scale factor for GFA size to allow slightly off the edge targets Returns ------- array An array of the same length as input `ra`, giving the GFA_LOC that each (ra, dec) is on. -1 means not on a GFA. """ gfa = GFALocations(scale=scale) x, y = radec2xy(telra, teldec, ra, dec) gfaloc = np.full(len(x), -1, dtype=int) for loc in gfa.gfa_locations: ii = gfa.xy_on_gfa(loc, x, y) gfaloc[ii] = loc return gfaloc
[docs]def on_tile_gfa(tileid, targets, scale=1.0): """This function takes a tileid, a table of targets, and an optional buffer_arcsec parameter to return the indices of targets lying on the GFA as well as the GFA locations from 0-9. Parameters ---------- tileid : :class:`int` DESI tile ID, used to lookup telescope (RA, dec). targets : Table Table with columns RA, DEC. scale : :class:`float`, optional Scale factor for GFA size to allow slightly off the edge targets Returns ------- Table Subset of input targets with new GFA_LOC column """ gfa = GFALocations(scale=scale) telra, teldec = get_tile_radec(tileid) return gfa.targets_on_gfa(telra, teldec, targets)
[docs]def get_gfa_targets(targets, rfluxlim=1000, tiles=None, scale=1.0): """This function takes a table of targets, as well as optional parameters including a minimum flux in the r-band, a list of tiles, and a buffer in arcseconds and returns a table of targets on the GFA satisfying a minimum flux_r Parameters ---------- targets : Table Table columns RA, DEC, FLUX_R. rfluxlim : :class:`float`, optional r-band flux limit; default 1000 = rmag 15. tiles : Table, optional Table of tiles, default to :func:``. scale : :class:`float`, optional Scale factor for GFA size to allow slightly off the edge targets Returns ------- Table A subset of input `targets` with additional columns: TILEID: (integer) DESI tile ID; GFA_LOC: (integer) GFA location [0-9]. Notes ----- * The same target could be repeated with different TILEID, GFA_LOC. * The function returns an empty Table if no targets are on any GFAs or of sufficient brightness. """ # Checks if the flux_r meets a minimum threshold targets = astropy.table.Table(targets[targets['FLUX_R'] > rfluxlim]) if len(targets) == 0: targets['TILEID'] = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32) targets['GFA_LOC'] = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int8) return targets if(tiles is None): tiles = load_tiles() gfa = GFALocations(scale=scale) points = find_points_in_tiles(tiles, targets['RA'], targets['DEC'], radius=gfa.max_radius_deg) target_tables = list() for i, pointlist in enumerate(points): if pointlist: tileid = tiles[i]['TILEID'] tiletargets = on_tile_gfa(tileid, targets, scale=scale) if len(tiletargets) > 0: tiletargets['TILEID'] = tileid target_tables.append(tiletargets) if len(target_tables)>1: result = astropy.table.vstack(target_tables) else: #- Create blank table with correct dtype result = astropy.table.Table(dtype=targets.dtype) result.add_column(astropy.table.Column(name='TILEID', dtype='i4')) return result