Source code for desimodel.focalplane.geometry

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Dimensions and coordinate system transforms for the DESI focal plane.

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

from ..footprint import find_points_in_tiles, find_points_radec, get_tile_radec
from import (load_desiparams, load_fiberpos, load_platescale,
    load_tiles, load_deviceloc)

_tile_radius_deg = None
_tile_radius_mm = None

[docs]def get_tile_radius_mm(): '''Returns maximum radius in mm covered by the outermost positioner. ''' global _tile_radius_mm if _tile_radius_mm is None: fp = load_fiberpos() p = load_desiparams() _tile_radius_mm = np.sqrt(np.max(fp['X']**2 + fp['Y']**2)) + p['positioners']['radius_max'] return _tile_radius_mm
[docs]def get_tile_radius_deg(): '''Returns maximum radius in degrees covered by the outermost positioner. ''' global _tile_radius_deg if _tile_radius_deg is None: rmax = get_tile_radius_mm() platescale = load_platescale() fn = interp1d(platescale['radius'], platescale['theta'], kind='quadratic') _tile_radius_deg = float(fn(rmax)) return _tile_radius_deg
[docs]def get_radius_mm(theta): """Returns an array of radii in mm given an array of radii in degrees using the platescale data relative to the center of the focal plane as (0,0). Supports scalar and vector inputs. Parameters ---------- theta : :class:`float` or array-like An array that represents the angle from the center of the focal plane. Returns ------- :class:`float` or array-like Radii in mm. """ platescale = load_platescale() # Uses a quadratic one-dimensional interpolation to approximate the radius in degrees versus radius in mm fn = interp1d(platescale['theta'], platescale['radius'], kind = 'quadratic') radius = fn(theta) if(np.isscalar(theta)): return float(radius) else: return radius
[docs]def get_radius_deg(x, y): """Returns the radius in degrees given `x`, `y` coordinates using the platescale data. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`float` The x coordinate in mm of a location on the focal plane y : :class:`float` The y coordinate in mm of a location on the focal plane Returns ------- :class:`float` Radius corresponding to `x`, `y`. """ #- support scalars, lists, and arrays if not np.isscalar(x): x = np.asarray(x) if not np.isscalar(y): y = np.asarray(y) radius = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) platescale = load_platescale() fn = interp1d(platescale['radius'], platescale['theta'], kind='quadratic') degree = fn(radius).astype(float) return degree
[docs]def _extrapolate_r_s(r, s): ''' Utility function for xy2qs and qs2xy; returns new r, s with extrapolations to 0 and max(r)+10 mm. ''' # quadratic extrapolation beyond rmax ii = (r>410) c = np.polyfit(r[ii], s[ii], 2) xr = np.linspace(np.max(r)+0.1, np.max(r)+10, 10) xs = np.polyval(c, xr) full_r = np.concatenate([[0.0,], r, xr]) full_s = np.concatenate([[0.0,], s, xs]) return full_r, full_s
[docs]def xy2qs(x, y): '''Focal tangent plane x,y -> angular q,s on curved focal surface Args: x, y: cartesian location on focal tangent plane in mm Returns (q, s) where q=angle in degrees; s=focal surface radial dist [mm] Notes: (x,y) are in the "CS5" DESI coordinate system tangent plane to the curved focal surface. q is the radial angle measured counter-clockwise from the x-axis; s is the radial distance along the curved focal surface; it is *not* sqrt(x**2 + y**2). (q,s) are the preferred coordinates for the DESI focal plane hardware engineering team. ''' #- Load device locations, use just petal 0 for interpolation d = load_deviceloc() d = d[d['PETAL'] == 0] q = (np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x)) + 360.0) % 360.0 r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) dr, ds = _extrapolate_r_s(np.sqrt(d['X']**2 + d['Y']**2), d['S']) ii = np.argsort(dr) fn = interp1d(dr[ii], ds[ii], kind='quadratic', assume_sorted=True) s = fn(r) return q, s
[docs]def qs2xy(q, s): '''angular q,s on curved focal surface -> focal tangent plane x,y Args: q: angle in degrees s: focal surface radial distance in mm Returns (x, y) cartesian location on focal tangent plane in mm Notes: (x,y) are in the "CS5" DESI coordinate system tangent plane to the curved focal surface. q is the radial angle measured counter-clockwise from the x-axis; s is the radial distance along the curved focal surface; it is *not* sqrt(x**2 + y**2). (q,s) are the preferred coordinates for the DESI focal plane hardware engineering team. ''' #- Load device locations, use just petal 0 for interpolation d = load_deviceloc() d = d[d['PETAL'] == 0] dr, ds = _extrapolate_r_s(np.sqrt(d['X']**2 + d['Y']**2), d['S']) ii = np.argsort(ds) fn = interp1d(ds[ii], dr[ii], kind='quadratic') r = fn(s) x = r*np.cos(np.radians(q)) y = r*np.sin(np.radians(q)) return x, y
[docs]def xy2radec(telra, teldec, x, y): """Returns the new RA and Dec of an `x`, `y` position on the focal plane in the sky given an arbitrary telescope pointing in RA and Dec. Parameters ---------- telra : :class:`float` The telescope's RA pointing in degrees. teldec : :class:`float` The telescope's Dec pointing in degrees. x : :class:`float` The x coordinate in mm of a location on the focal plane y : :class:`float` The y coordinate in mm of a location on the focal plane Returns ------- tuple The RA, Dec corresponding to `x`, `y`. """ # radial distance on the focal plane in radians r_rad = np.radians(get_radius_deg(x, y)) # q signifies the angle the position makes with the +x-axis of focal plane q = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x)) q_rad = np.radians(q) # Consider a unit sphere (x,y,z) # starting at (RA,dec) = (0,0) -> v0 = (1,0,0) # v0 = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # The focal plane is oriented with +yfocal = +dec but +xfocal = -RA # Rotate clockwise around z by r_rad # zrotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) # zrotate[0] = [np.cos(r_rad), np.sin(r_rad), 0] # zrotate[1] = [-np.sin(r_rad), np.cos(r_rad), 0] # zrotate[2] = [0, 0, 1] # v1 = x1 = np.cos(r_rad) # y0=0 so drop sin(r_rad) term y1 = -np.sin(r_rad) # y0=0 so drop cos(r_rad) term z1 = np.zeros_like(x1) # clockwise rotation around the x-axis # xrotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) # q_rad = np.radians(q) # xrotate[0] = [1, 0, 0] # xrotate[1] = [0, np.cos(q_rad), np.sin(q_rad)] # xrotate[2] = [0, -np.sin(q_rad), np.cos(q_rad)] x2 = x1 y2 = y1*np.cos(q_rad) # z1=0 so drop sin(q_rad) term z2 = -y1*np.sin(q_rad) # z1=0 so drop cos(q_rad) term v2 = np.stack([x2, y2, z2]) # Clockwise rotation around y axis by declination of the tile center decrotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) teldec_rad = np.radians(teldec) decrotate[0] = [np.cos(teldec_rad), 0, -np.sin(teldec_rad)] decrotate[1] = [0, 1, 0] decrotate[2] = [np.sin(teldec_rad), 0, np.cos(teldec_rad)] # Counter-clockwise rotation around the z-axis by the right ascension of the tile center rarotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) telra_rad = np.radians(telra) rarotate[0] = [np.cos(telra_rad), -np.sin(telra_rad), 0] rarotate[1] = [np.sin(telra_rad), np.cos(telra_rad), 0] rarotate[2] = [0, 0, 1] x3, y3, z3 = v3 = ra_deg = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y3, x3)) % 360 dec_deg = np.degrees((np.pi/2) - np.arccos(z3)) return ra_deg, dec_deg
[docs]def radec2xy(telra, teldec, ra, dec): """Returns arrays of the x, y positions of given celestial objects on the focal plane given an arbitrary telescope pointing in RA and Dec and arrays of the `ra` and `dec` of celestial objects in the sky. Parameters ---------- telra : :class:`float` The telescope's RA pointing in degrees. teldec : :class:`float` The telescope's Dec pointing in degrees. ra : array-like An array of RA values for locations in the sky. dec : array-like An array of Dec values for locations in the sky. Returns ------- tuple The x, y positions corrsponding to `ra`, `dec`. Notes ----- Implements the Haversine formula. """ # Inclination is 90 degrees minus the declination in degrees dec = np.asarray(dec) inc = 90 - dec ra = np.asarray(ra) x0 = np.sin(np.radians(inc)) * np.cos(np.radians(ra)) y0 = np.sin(np.radians(inc)) * np.sin(np.radians(ra)) z0 = np.cos(np.radians(inc)) coord = [x0, y0, z0] # Clockwise rotation around the z-axis by the right ascension of the tile center rarotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) telra_rad = np.radians(telra) rarotate[0] = [np.cos(telra_rad), np.sin(telra_rad), 0] rarotate[1] = [-np.sin(telra_rad), np.cos(telra_rad), 0] rarotate[2] = [0, 0, 1] # Counter-Clockwise rotation around y axis by declination of the tile center decrotate = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) teldec_rad = np.radians(teldec) decrotate[0] = [np.cos(teldec_rad), 0, np.sin(teldec_rad)] decrotate[1] = [0, 1, 0] decrotate[2] = [-np.sin(teldec_rad), 0, np.cos(teldec_rad)] coord1 = np.matmul(rarotate, coord) coord2 = np.matmul(decrotate, coord1) x = coord2[0] y = coord2[1] z = coord2[2] newteldec = 0 newtelra = 0 ra_rad = np.arctan2(y, x) dec_rad = (np.pi / 2) - np.arccos(z / np.sqrt((x**2) + (y**2) + (z**2))) radius_rad = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt((np.sin((dec_rad - newteldec) / 2)**2) + ((np.cos(newteldec)) * np.cos(dec_rad) * (np.sin((ra_rad - newtelra) / 2)**2)))) radius_deg = np.degrees(radius_rad) q_rad = np.arctan2(z, -y) radius_mm = get_radius_mm(radius_deg) x_focalplane = radius_mm * np.cos(q_rad) y_focalplane = radius_mm * np.sin(q_rad) return x_focalplane, y_focalplane
[docs]class FocalPlane(object): """A class for modeling the DESI focal plane and converting between focal plane coordinates (in mm) and RA, Dec on the sky (in degrees). Provides utility functions for mapping which positioners cover which (RA, Dec) or (x, y) locations and vice versa. Parameters ---------- ra, dec : :class:`float` Initialize DESI focal plane model with the telescope pointing at (`ra`, `dec`) in degrees. NOTE: this class is deprecated (or should be further expanded), but I'm not removing it yet in order to not arbitrarily break code that might be using it. """ def __init__(self, ra=0.0, dec=0.0): """ """ # Read $DESIMODEL/data/focalplane/fiberpos.fits and platescale.txt # to construct focal plane model. May also need data/desi.yaml . self._check_radec(ra, dec) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self._fiberpos_file = os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'], 'data', 'focalplane', 'fiberpos.fits') with as hdulist: self.fiberpos = hdulist[1].data
[docs] def _check_radec(self, ra, dec): """Raise ValueError if RA or dec are out of bounds. """ if np.any( (ra < 0) | (ra >= 360) ): raise ValueError("RA must be 0 <= RA < 360") if np.any( (dec < -90) | (dec > +90) ): raise ValueError("Dec must be -90 <= dec <= 90")
[docs] def set_tele_pointing(self, ra, dec): """Set telescope pointing to (RA, Dec) in degrees. Parameters ---------- ra dec : :class:`float` Telescope pointing in degrees. """ self._check_radec(ra, dec) self.ra = ra self.dec = dec
[docs] def radec2xy(self, ra, dec): """Convert (RA, Dec) in degrees to (x, y) in mm on the focal plane given the current telescope pointing. If RA and Dec are floats, returns a tuple (x, y) of floats If RA and Dec are numpy arrays, returns a tuple (x, y) of numpy arrays Parameters ---------- ra, dec : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Sky position. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` A tuple containing the (x, y) coordinates in mm. """ self._check_radec(ra, dec) return radec2xy(self.ra, self.dec, ra, dec)
[docs] def xy2radec(self, x, y): """Convert (x, y) in mm on the focal plane to (ra_object, dec_object) in degrees on the sky given the current telescope pointing towards (RA, Dec). `x`, `y` must be floats. This function is vectorized in xy2radec(), which doesn't appear to exist. Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`float` Position on the focal plane in mm. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` Coordinates of object. """ return xy2radec(self.ra, self.dec, x, y)
[docs] def radec2pos(self, ra, dec): """Identify which positioners cover (`ra`, `dec`). If `ra`, `dec` are floats, return an array of positioner IDs that cover it. The array could be empty if no positioner covers that location. If `ra`, `dec` are numpy arrays, return a list of arrays. The ith element is an array of positioner IDs that cover (ra[i], dec[i]). .. warning:: This method is not implemented! """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def xy2pos(self, x, y): """Identify which positioners cover (`x`, `y`). .. warning:: This method is not implemented! """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def fiber_area_arcsec2(x, y): '''Returns area of fibers at (`x`, `y`) in arcsec^2. ''' params = load_desiparams() fiber_dia = params['fibers']['diameter_um'] x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) #- Platescales in um/arcsec ps = load_platescale() radial_scale = np.interp(r, ps['radius'], ps['radial_platescale']) az_scale = np.interp(r, ps['radius'], ps['az_platescale']) #- radial and azimuthal fiber radii in arcsec rr = 0.5 * fiber_dia / radial_scale raz = 0.5 * fiber_dia / az_scale fiber_area = (np.pi * rr * raz) return fiber_area