Source code for desimodel.fastfiberacceptance

import os
import as pyfits
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, interp1d

def gaussian_fwhm(sigma):
    return 2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)) * sigma

[docs]class FastFiberAcceptance(object): """ This class reads an input fits file generated with specsim.fitgalsim ($DESIMODEL/data/throughput/galsim-fiber-acceptance.fits) and instanciates RegularGridInterpolator objects for 2D and 3D interpolation of the pre-computed galsim fiber acceptance as a function of sigma (atmosphere+telescope blur, in um on focal surface), fiber offset from source (in um on focal surface), and half light radius (in arcsec) from extended source. The average and rms interpolation function for POINT,DISK and BULGE profiles are loaded. """ def __init__(self,filename=None): if filename is None : if not "DESIMODEL" in os.environ : print("need environment variable DESIMODEL or specify filename in constructor") raise RuntimeError("need environment variable DESIMODEL or specify filename in constructor") filename=os.path.join(os.environ["DESIMODEL"],"data/throughput/galsim-fiber-acceptance.fits") sigma=hdulist["SIGMA"].data.astype('=f8') offset=hdulist["OFFSET"].data.astype('=f8') hlradius=hdulist["HLRAD"].data.astype('=f8') self._sigma=sigma self._offset=offset self._hlradius=hlradius self._data = {} self.fiber_acceptance_func = {} self.fiber_acceptance_rms_func = {} self.psf_seeing_func = {} for source in ["POINT","DISK","BULGE"] : data=hdulist[source].data.astype('=f8') rms=hdulist[source[0]+"RMS"].data.astype('=f8') dim=len(data.shape) self._data[source] = data if dim == 2 : assert source == 'POINT' # POINT: zero offset. self.psf_seeing_func[source] = interp1d(data[::-1,0], sigma[::-1], kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=False, fill_value=(sigma[-1],sigma[0])) self.fiber_acceptance_func[source] = RegularGridInterpolator(points=(sigma,offset),values=data,method="linear",bounds_error=False,fill_value=None) self.fiber_acceptance_rms_func[source] = RegularGridInterpolator(points=(sigma,offset),values=rms,method="linear",bounds_error=False,fill_value=None) elif dim == 3 : # Not POINT self.fiber_acceptance_func[source] = RegularGridInterpolator(points=(hlradius,sigma,offset),values=data,method="linear",bounds_error=False,fill_value=None) self.fiber_acceptance_rms_func[source] = RegularGridInterpolator(points=(hlradius,sigma,offset),values=rms,method="linear",bounds_error=False,fill_value=None) hdulist.close() def psf_seeing_sigma(self, psf_fiberfrac): return self.psf_seeing_func["POINT"](psf_fiberfrac) def psf_seeing_fwhm(self, psf_fiberfrac): sigma = self.psf_seeing_func["POINT"](psf_fiberfrac) return gaussian_fwhm(sigma)
[docs] def rms(self,source,sigmas,offsets=None,hlradii=None) : """ returns fiber acceptance fraction rms for the given source,sigmas,offsets Args: source (string) : POINT, DISK or BULGE for point source, exponential profile or De Vaucouleurs profile sigmas (np.array) : arbitrary shape, values of sigmas in um for the PSF due to atmosphere and telescope blur Optional: hlradii (np.array) : same shape as sigmas, half light radius in arcsec for source offsets (np.array) : same shape as sigmas, values of offsets on focal surface between fiber and source, in um Returns np.array with same shape as input """ was_scalar = np.isscalar(sigmas) sigmas = np.atleast_1d(sigmas) original_shape = sigmas.shape if offsets is None : offsets=np.zeros(sigmas.shape) else : offsets=np.atleast_1d(offsets) assert(sigmas.shape==offsets.shape) if hlradii is not None : hlradii=np.atleast_1d(hlradii) assert(hlradii.shape==sigmas.shape) res = None if source == "POINT" : res = self.fiber_acceptance_rms_func[source](np.array([sigmas.ravel(),offsets.ravel()]).T) else : if hlradii is None : if source == "DISK" : hlradii = 0.45 * np.ones(sigmas.shape) elif source == "BULGE" : hlradii = 1. * np.ones(sigmas.shape) res = self.fiber_acceptance_rms_func[source](np.array([hlradii.ravel(),sigmas.ravel(),offsets.ravel()]).T) res[res<0] = 0. res[res>1] = 1. if was_scalar : return float(res[0]) return res.reshape(original_shape)
[docs] def value(self,source,sigmas,offsets=None,hlradii=None) : """ returns the fiber acceptance for the given source,sigmas,offsets Args: source (string) : POINT, DISK or BULGE for point source, exponential profile or De Vaucouleurs profile sigmas (np.array) : arbitrary shape, values of sigmas in um for the PSF due to atmosphere and telescope blur offsets (np.array) : same shape as sigmas, values of offsets on focal surface between fiber and source, in um Optional: hlradii (np.array) : same shape as sigmas, half light radius in arcsec for source Returns np.array with same shape as input """ was_scalar = np.isscalar(sigmas) sigmas = np.atleast_1d(sigmas) original_shape = sigmas.shape if offsets is None : offsets=np.zeros(sigmas.shape) else : offsets=np.atleast_1d(offsets) assert(sigmas.shape==offsets.shape) if hlradii is not None : hlradii=np.atleast_1d(hlradii) assert(hlradii.shape==sigmas.shape) res = None if source == "POINT" : res = self.fiber_acceptance_func[source](np.array([sigmas.ravel(),offsets.ravel()]).T) else : if hlradii is None : if source == "DISK" : hlradii = 0.45 * np.ones(sigmas.shape) elif source == "BULGE" : hlradii = 1. * np.ones(sigmas.shape) res = self.fiber_acceptance_func[source](np.array([hlradii.ravel(),sigmas.ravel(),offsets.ravel()]).T) res[res<0] = 0. res[res>1] = 1. if was_scalar : return float(res[0]) return res.reshape(original_shape)
if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np import pylab as pl from fastfiberacceptance import FastFiberAcceptance x = FastFiberAcceptance() fiberfracs= np.arange(0.0,1.0, 0.01) seeings= x.psf_seeing_sigma(fiberfracs) avg_platescale = 1.52 / 107. # [''/microns]. seeings *= avg_platescale print(x._sigma[::-1]) print(x._sigma[::-1] * avg_platescale) print(x._data['POINT'][::-1,0]) pl.figure() pl.subplot(121) pl.plot(fiberfracs, seeings) pl.plot(x._data['POINT'][::-1,0], x._sigma[::-1] * avg_platescale, marker='^', alpha=0.5) pl.xlabel('PSF FIBERFRAC') pl.ylabel('SEEING SIGMA [ARCSECONDS]') pl.subplot(122) fwhms= x.psf_seeing_fwhm(fiberfracs) fwhms *= avg_platescale pl.plot(fiberfracs, fwhms) pl.axhline(1.1, c='k', lw=0.5) pl.axvline(0.6, c='k', lw=0.5) pl.xlabel('PSF FIBERFRAC') pl.ylabel('SEEING FWHM [ARCSECONDS]')